Special offer for denmark

Mastercare AB is now offering the product CN-A3 Exclusive for a discounted price to customers in Denmark.

Make wonders for your health - do not miss this offer!

Regular price: 12 580 SEK*

Discounted price: - 1500 SEK*

* VAT will be added, if not having valid European VAT-number

*This offer is valid until 15th of October 2022


CN-A3 Exclusive Professional

This Swedish gravity traction table, with its patented sliding backrest and self-controlled locking system, uses the natural healing powers of gravity along with a system of simple exercises to relieve and rehabilitate, as well as help in the prevention of chronic neck, shoulder, back and knee related problems.

Some benefits of the Mastercare® Back-A-Traction® include:
natural spinal decompression, stretching, traction,
strengthening, relaxation, mobilization and toning.


Become a distributor

Mastercare AB is one of the world’s leading companies in the speciality of traction tables, designed for professional use and self-treatment. 

With over 30 years of experience, working with the Mastercare® Back-A-Traction® in co-operation with medical professionals, we have built a reputation of outstanding treatment results, product performance and breakthroughs in the field of occupational health care, clinical use and self-treatment in the home.

The Mastercare® product, with its unique safety concept, is the most scientifically approved and professionally backed up inversion traction system on the market.


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