When using Mastercare Back-A-Traction Inversion Table in prone position/laying face down (ONLY pertaining Models A and B6-PRO); you should always be assisted by another person, who is familiar with its operation
Displaying Mastercare Model B3 with accessory; Support Pillow SP1 and Model B1 (Black/White)
Specifications - Model B Inversion Table
Models B1, B2 and B3
Colors B1 white frame/stand with red or black backrest
Colors B2 black frame/stand with red or black backrest
Colors B3 black frame/stand with red or black backrest (extra thick padding)
Adjustable for body-heights from 135 to 215 cm
Max body weight 150 k/330 lbs.
Model B6 PRO:
Color black frame with black backrest (extra thick padding)
Adjustable for body-heights from 135 to 215 cm
Max body weight 150 k/330 lbs.
Certificate of registration - Medical device class 1. Patented, protected design.
Note: As with any therapy equipment, you should consult your physician before regular use.
We reserve the right to make changes to the design and specification without notice.
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